Cookie Jar

Cookie Jar is a mindful social media experience that boosts your mental health


Cookie Jar is an app where users can engage in mindfulness with their social network. A user can get recognized publicly by friends and family for meeting a mindful goal.

Value Propositions

  • Easily reinforce good habits through social interaction and recognition
  • Provide a positive, intimate, and supportive social media experience
  • Encourage mindfulness throughout the year

Target Users

The target users are between the ages of 18 - mid-30s. They are tech-savvy, communicate frequently with their spread-out network of friends and family, and often use social media on a daily and weekly basis. They crave a more positive social media experience that their regular platforms - such as Instagram and Facebook - don’t provide.


Feature #1: Create an account


The objective of this feature is to allow the user to create an account.


Use Case 1.1

  1. The user should be able to sign up for a Cookie Jar account with the following information:

    • Full name
    • Email address
    • Password
  2. The user should also have the option to upload a profile picture of themselves.

Use Case 1.2

  1. Once the user has completed sign-up, they should be prompted to start adding friends to their Cookie Jar network.
  2. They should be able to find their friends through full name and/or email
  3. Friends can see each other’s cookies and cookie jars, and can give cookies to each other
  4. The user should be able to skip this step, although it is highly recommended they do it. Even if they skip this step, there should be another way in the app to add friends.

Feature #2: View a user’s cookie feed


The objective of this feature is to show the user a feed of their friends’ activities.


Use Case 2.1

The user should be able to view an activity feed. In the feed, the user should be able to see when a friend has given or received a cookie.

  1. Each post in the feed should contain this information:

    • Who gave the cookie
    • Who received the cookie
    • The cookie type
    • The cookie description - this describes why the cookie giver decided to give the cookie
    • The users who liked this post
    • User comments on the post
  2. There are several cookie types (reasons why a user can be awarded a cookie):

    • Kindness
    • Honesty
    • Patience
    • Initiative
    • Friendship
    • Reliability
    • Open-mindedness
    • Hard work

Feature #3: Give a cookie


The objective of this feature is to allow the user to reward their friends with a cookie.


Use Case 3.1

The user should be able to award a cookie to a friend of theirs.

  1. To post and award this cookie, the user must provide this information:

    • The user who is being awarded the cookie
    • The cookie type
    • The cookie description - this describes why the user has decided to give the cookie

Use Case 3.2

Once the user has awarded the cookie, they should receive notifications of likes and comments on the post from other users. Users can “like” and comment on posts where their friends are either the cookie recipient/cookie giver

Feature #4: View a user’s own cookie jar


The objective of this feature is to allow the user to view their own “cookie jars” - this is where they can view at all the cookies that have been awarded to them or which they awarded others.


Use Case 4.1

The user should be able to view all the cookies that they have been awarded.

  1. They should be able to see:

    • The date they were awarded a cookie
    • Basic information about the cookie (who awarded it, the cookie type, the cookie description, and likes and comments on it)

Use Case 4.2

The user should be able to view all the cookies that they have awarded others.

  1. They should be able to see:

    • The date they awarded a cookie
    • Basic information about the cookie (who they awarded it to, the cookie type, the cookie description, and likes and comments on it)